From the Director | Director News; Healthy EatingMs. Linda’s Infants |Ms. Jenn’s Ones | Welcome to Wonderful Ones; Schedule; Snack IdeasMs. Katie’s Toddlers | August NewsMs. Sally’s Preschoolers I | August News; Welcome to Upcoming StudentsMs. Angie’s Preschoolers II | Welcome to Upcoming StudentsMs. Ida’s VPK Wrappers | Welcome[…]
Author: Tracey Roberts
It takes just a few minutes to make sure our children are safe. Here are some simple suggestions to go the extra mile to protect our kids. Download Your Safety Tips Here: Getting In & Getting Out
From the Director | Moving On Up: Notes from CindieMs. Linda’s Infants | July NewsMs. Jenn’s Ones | July News & Moving Up; Welcome to Wonderful Ones; Schedule; Snack IdeasMs. Katie’s Toddlers | July NewsMs. Sally’s Preschoolers I | Swim on in to Preschool I; Welcome[…]
Ms. Linda’s Infants | June News Ms. Krystal’s Transitioning Infants & Ones | May News Ms. Katie’s Toddlers | May News Ms. Sally’s Preschoolers I | May News, June News & Welcome to Upcoming Students Ms. Angie’s Preschoolers II | June News Ms. Ida’s VPK Wrappers |[…]
May 29th – August 10th, 2018 Download our Flyer here and our At-a-Glance Summer Calendar here. Campers attending at least three days a week for at least seven weeks during our summer program will receive their seventh week free*. *Credit will[…]
Ms. Linda’s Infants | April News Ms. Jenn’s Ones | April News Ms. Katie’s Toddlers | April News Ms. Sally’s Preschoolers I | April News Ms. Angie’s Preschoolers II | April News Ms. Kathy’s & Mrs. Janis’s VPKers | April News Ms. Debbie’s & Mrs. Janis’s Before[…]
From the Director | February News Ms. Sally’s Preschoolers I | February News Ms. Angie’s Preschoolers II | February News Ms. Kathy’s & Mrs. Janis’s VPKers | February News
Download our latest Newsletter here.
Download our latest Newsletter here.
A new school year has started, fall is in the air, and the holidays are upon us. Visit your child’s class link to hear about all of the exciting things they will be doing and learning about over the next[…]