Author: Tracey Roberts
Dear Parents and Families, I pray that all of you are safe and healthy and that the time until we can all be together again is short. If, like me, you have been taking this time to reflect on the[…]
Download our current news here.
Dear Parents, I have received word this afternoon from the Diocese of St.Petersburg that in keeping with the directives and guidelines from the government and public health authorities that all Catholic Schools and Center will remain closed through May1, 2020.[…]
Our NEW Distance Learning Page is now available on our website. This page will be updated often with teacher videos, resources, and links to supplement your child’s education while they are away. Visit to get started. If you have requests on[…]
Diocese directs SHECC closure continues through April 15. If you have not yet signed up for Remind communication, we strongly encourage you to do so for ongoing communication. Please refer to the following link on how to do so.
Despite the unpopular decision and our personal appeal, Diocese directs SHECC closure continues through March 27. The risk of a child, who is asymptomatic, passing COVID-19 onto another family member is too great to ignore. We continue to pray for[…]
Bishop has directed SHECC to close March 16-20. Please refer to the attached letter from the Diocese regarding this matter. If you have not yet signed up for Remind communication, we strongly encourage you to do so for ongoing communication.[…]
Download our latest news here. *Please note time changes for Fish Fry are 5 – 7:15pm.
For reminders, notifications and quick updates, please be sure to sign up for Remind. For information on how to join your child’s class, click here.